
Welcome to Ladybird Class

Early Years Foundation Stage and Year 1

Mrs Culverhouse and Mrs Arafa

Summer pathway: What makes Africa amazing pathway

Summer Learning loop: What makes Africa amazing learning loop

Summer Knowledge organiser: What makes Africa amazing knowledge organiser

Spring pathway 2022 

What is your super power and people who help us learning loop Spring 2022

Knowledge organiser ‘What is your superpower and people who help us’ Spring 2022

Reception starters 2022 powerpoint for Bishops Lydeard Church School

To honour the famous Somerset festival of Glastonbury, Ladybird class held their own mini version. The children watched a short film to explain how the sets were created and the work that goes into creating the Glastonbury experience. We then made our own tents; the children made some of their own musical instruments and we even had a café complete with kitchen and waiter.

The children chose some songs for a playlist and danced away wearing their wristbands. All of the children had a wonderful time and said that they would love to try it for real!

Ladybird class enjoyed a fabulous trip to Noah’s Ark Zoo on 16th June. The children’s behaviour was exemplary and we were all so proud of them! We met Charlotte the giant hissing cockroach and Ralph the python, the adults were all extremely brave and touched Ralph but Charlotte was not too popular. The children however showed no fear and happily held Charlotte to see if she would hang upside down. Ladybird class saw elephants, giant tortoises, rhinos and zebra. We were also lucky enough to catch a bird of prey show which was amazing!

In maths we have been learning about tens and ones in Reception and used ten frames and pompoms to help us. We also used part/part/wholes.

In music we have been linking notation to fruit names and have been creating patterns for key words in our story of Handa’s Surprise.

Platinum Jubilee fun!

In Ladybird class we have been actively exploring our continuous provision and working together using magnetic letters, the zoo, the kitchen table and much more!

Ladybird class have been enjoying learning about of new topics and areas of learning. In English we have been learning the text ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ where our WOW starter was searching for the gold coins the giant had left around the playground (we all had lots of fun). The children have enjoyed changing our Jack in the story to a fairy called Lucy and the beanstalk to a sunflower.

Welcome back! We are looking forward to a busy term ahead. We will be starting with Mrs Armitage and the big wave in English and thinking about the heroes in our lives and heroes from the past who contributed to significant events. We will update our page routinely and the most recent update will be at the top.

We had a wonderful time on our trip to Dunster. We created sculptures with natural materials, which was linked to our learning in art, and we reactivated our learning on Mary Anning and discussed how she was a hero in history for finding fossils and making some amazing discoveries. We discussed our timeline and the chronology of where Mary Anning is on our timeline.

As part of our topic on ‘Superheroes’ we were visited by an operating theatre practitioner from Musgrove Hospital. The children learnt about what hospitals are like now and how they are different from when Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole worked in hospitals. The children tried on surgical hats and practised bandaging each other. We also practised ‘hot seating’ Florence Nightingale to find out about her time in hospitals.

We have been looking at measuring heights and lengths- we had fun doing this!

In Collective worship we have been looking at different places of Worship. We were all interested in Mosques and Islam so we deepened our learning in this area. We looked at the different features of a Mosque carefully and linked our learning to the Christian church we visited. We also looked at Arabic writing and tried writing our names.

We have been enjoying our continuous provision and building our resilience with challenges inside and outside the classroom.

We are pleased to be back for a new term! This week we have started to learn our story of Mrs Armitage and the Big Wave, we have enjoyed World Book Day, where we focussed on Handa’s Surprise, and we have been enjoying our continuous provision.

This week we were visited by our local PCSO. We learnt about the role of the PCSO and how they help people.

We have been focusing on working together, investigating and never giving up. We have also built a fire station in our role play corner. Below are some examples of  our continuous provision so far this week.

This week we have been exploring capacity and composing music. We created music for Chinese New Year and used different instruments to create different sounds.

This week we have been looking at how our environment contributes to our learning and how we use those activities to also develop our personal, social and emotional skills. We enjoy using the provision inside and outside and using these areas to develop our knowledge and skills. The photos are a few examples of provision in our learning environment this week.

This week we have been making our own Avatar in Computing and learning about how to stay safe online.

We have also been enjoying our continuous provision linked to The Magic Porridge pot, money, printing, working together and never giving up- even when finding the coins in the sand and picking them out with tweezers is tricky!

We started our learning on heroes with Rosa Parks and her heroic act of refusing to move seats on the bus and how this led to the bus Boycott and then equality for all on the buses. We created a timeline with the heroes of science, community, health and writing that we will be starting to learn about- we discussed the word chronology. We then looked at some facts about the Great Fire of London.

We also revisited our learning on Victorians and Victorian Childhoods and where this fitted in our timeline.

Snow! It snowed on Friday afternoon so we all out our coats on and went out to explore! We used the snow to talk about solids and liquids and how liquid can freeze or melt in certain conditions.

In Ladybird Class we have been using our observation skills to look at the natural world and create paintings.

Ladybird Class Autumn 2021 pathway

Me as a child in my world and beyond learning loop

Knowledge organiser ‘Me as a child in my world and beyond’

Ladybird Class have been out in our community to visit St Mary’s Church and the Bishops Lydeard library. We have been learning about different places of worship in class and on our visit to the church we were able to share our learning about a Christian church with the vicar. In the library we enjoyed sharing books and listening to stories.

We had a visit from some naughty elves today!

We have been enjoying the continuous provision in class. We have been building landmarks with blocks and we were very proud of our Stonehenge models.

We have also been extending our learning on shape by creating our own Kandinsky pictures during free flow. We have also been doing many more activities for maths, fine motor, oral hygiene, social skills in our bear cave and the kitchen and building and painting outside. As always, the mark making table has been popular and this week we are also experimenting with writing on different surfaces/textures. The phoneme detectives have also been out and about!


The new bear cave in Ladybird Class is popular!

In Ladybird Class we had a Victorian Childhood day. We looked at the differences between school now and in the Victorian times. We played hop scotch, quoits, skittles and pick up sticks. We used only wooden toys for the day and made our own Jack in the Box toys. We used the vocabulary of ‘past and present’ and ‘chronology’ to help us order time.

We visited the memorial to lay our poppy wreath. We looked at the other tributes people had laid and we completed our two minute silence respectfully.

We created poppies for our poppy wreath and learnt about the symbolism of the poppy and the meaning of Remembrance Day.

We have been enjoying our continuous provision this week. We have been enjoying reading, mark making, colour mixing, the vets role play, fine motor in the sand tray, cooking cakes in the mud kitchen and much more!


We have been creating firework pictures and learning about firework safety. We also learnt about Diwali and created our own large scale Rangoli pattern.


The class have enjoyed being back together and have been showing their friendship and team work skills during our continuous provision sessions, RE and Jigsaw.

Reception have been enjoying their continuous provision. They have been working together to share their learning and interests. The ‘Curiosity Case’ has been very exciting this week- we found pine cones, conkers and even leaves in there!

In Ladybird Class we have been making peg dolls as we have been looking at toys from the past and the similarities and differences to our toys.


We have been using the IPADs to create a picture of a Ladybird. We used the ‘App’ of ‘Doodle Buddy’. As a class, we practised using the ‘App’ to draw lines and experiment with colour before we created our Ladybirds.

To continue our learning about toys from the past we planned and made our own Thaumotrope. It was a little bit like magic when we practised using them!

We have been learning about how our bodies work and different parts of the body. We also linked our learning to the text of Funny Bones!

We have been practising our story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff and building our oral storytelling skills.

The children have been enjoying exploring toys from the museum and thinking about the past and present.

Welcome back and welcome to our new Reception children in Ladybird Class. We have been getting to know the school environment and out class environment. We have also been on a welly walk to look for natural materials and started to learn our story of ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’.

We have started to learn our single sounds in phonics and will be using these sounds to help us learn how to blend to read words.

Ladybird Class 2020 – 2021

Ladybird Class 2019 – 2020

Ladybird Class 2018 – 2019

Ladybird Class 2017 – 2018