
Welcome to Bishops Lydeard
Church School

A Bath and Wells Academy



...and Friendship

Welcome to Bishops Lydeard Church School








Dear Visitor,

Welcome to our website! It gives you just a glimpse of what it means to be to be part of the Bishops Lydeard Church School community.

Our vision of ‘Life in all it’s fullness’ runs through all that we do and seek to achieve. We have high expectations for the children’s progress and development both academically and emotionally. Our values of ‘Respect, Endurance and Friendship’ are also central to our culture and ethos and are a very much lived experience.

If you would like to know more about us or the way in which we are working to reach our aspirations for the children please do get in contact, we would be glad to speak to you.


I am honoured to extend a warm welcome to all of you as we embark on another exciting year at Bishops Lydeard Church School. As your Executive Headteacher, I am thrilled to be part of this wonderful school and community.

In my role as Executive Headteacher, I will be working closely with Mr Dakin to provide strategic direction and support to our teachers and staff. Together, we will build upon the school’s past successes and embark on the next phase of our journey. Since 2019, I have worked as an Executive Headteacher within the Bath and Wells Trust, this year I am leading three other schools alongside Bishops Lydeard Church School. This means that my time is divided among the four schools. During my days at Bishops Lydeard, I will also welcoming children at ‘the school gate’ and will be available to chat with families. Please feel free to approach me with any questions you may have or just come and say ‘hello’.

Joe Beament, Executive Headteacher

As the previous Deputy Headteacher, teacher and a member of our school community for the past 7 years, I am thrilled to be undertaking my new role. I know how special our community is and how much this school means to everyone. Our previous leadership left this school in an incredibly strong place. My aim is to continue that journey to develop and grow, ensuring everyone invested and involved in the school are the best they can be. I look forward to speaking with you all and sharing the joys and successes of your children over the coming months.

Please keep reading our newsletters and other information shared to find out what is happening in school and how we are enhancing our educational offer throughout the year.

On behalf of Joe and myself, thank you for being part of our school community. We are excited about the opportunities that lie ahead, and we look forward to working with you all.

James Dakin, Head of School



Chair of Governors: Mr David Williams


Office Manager and member of staff who deals with enquiries from parents and members of the public: Mrs Tracey Fillingham


Safeguarding Leads: Mr James Dakin, Miss Megan Collins and Mrs Suzanne Crane


SENDCo: Mrs Suzanne Crane – please either contact the office to make an appointment with Mrs Crane or contact Mrs Crane on