
Owl Class



Mrs Lewis (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday)

Mrs Foster-Burnell (Thursday & Friday)


Teaching Assistant:

Miss Lucking


Please have a look at our Curriculum Pathway

LKS2 Summer Pathway 2020-21

LKS2 Pathway Spring 2020-21

LKS2 Autumn 2020-21

We are so happy to be back in school with a class full of enthusiastic, eager and energetic children. Please keep checking our page for updates all about our learning and what we’ve been up to.

Sports Day

We had a great Sports Day. We worked in our teams to complete 4 different activities, Hit the Stumps, Bean Bag Toss, Nerf Howlers and an Obstacle Course. 

We then competed in 4 different races; Obstacle, Egg and Spoon, Sprint and a Relay. 

It was great fun and VERY hot!

Art – Our Flower Show entries

The theme for this year’s Flower Show is Nature and Woodlands, we created Owl’s by recycling toilet roll inserts and tissue paper, we loved the final results – we’re sure you do too!

French – Our Favourite Sports

In French, we have been looking at Sports. We played charades to guess our sports, answering in French and then created a tally chart of our favourite sports.

Computing – Branching Databases

We’ve really enjoyed the two sessions we’ve had on Branching Database. We used two different programs, Popplet and j2e. We found that j2e was easier to use, but Popplet was more advanced with adding photos and captions. Some of the children said they were going to go home and try it.

Asthma Awareness Session

We were lucky enough to have a session with Becky from Little Knox, we learnt lots of new things. We learnt how to help someone who is asthmatic, how to make an emergency call if someone is suffering from an Asthma Attack and what is good and bad for Asthma. It was a great, informative session.

Topic – A Roman Invasion!

We made Roman / Celtic shields and then had a ‘Capture the Flag’ battle outside. ‘Roman’ team were fewer but more organised and disciplined. Celts were larger group but disorganised. Romans won, just like in the real invasion. 

French Weather Forecasts

Our unit in French is Holidays and Hobbies, we have been learning how to describe the weather in different places in French. It was a French and a Geography lesson in one! 

Computing – Handling Data

Our unit this term is Handling Data. We have been using the ‘Numbers’ app on the iPad. We collected data (What is Owl Class’s favourite ice cream?) and then inputted it in to a new table and create a chart to match. Next, we are going to look at Branching Databases.

T4W – The Caravan

Our text at the unit is called ‘The Caravan’ we have completed lots of activities around it, such as, conscience alley (should Mitch go in the caravan?) role play, responding to the text by ‘phoning friends’ and lots more! We really enjoyed creating a whole class story map by chunking it in to sections and working in groups.

My Lighthouse

We have been ‘whisper’ singing our school song ‘My Lighthouse’ this term in preparation for Collective Worships to be starting up again. We all remembered the lyrics and even some of the actions too.

Here is the link, if you’d like to have a sing a long too!

E-Safety Focus Week

Throughout the final week before the May Half Term holiday, we worked each afternoon on an element of e-safety. As a school, we have adopted the Childnet’s SMART rules about staying safe online (Safe, Meet, Accepting, Reliable, Tell and being SMART with a heart)  We worked through the meaning of each of these. We also thought about our digital footprint and reputation and roleplayed scenarios of things that can happen online and how to deal with them safely and confidently using Trusted Adults and Reporting tools.

Mystery Object Multimedia

Our unit in Computing is Multimedia. We have been working on taking photos and videos of a close up mystery object and then editing a video in iMovie to pull it all together. We have worked on soundtracks, titles and transitions so far. We will upload the finished ones soon!

Golden Mile(s)

As a whole school initiative, we have been completing the Golden Mile. At least 3 times a week, we spend 3 minutes running, jogging or walking around the playground. We are totaling up our laps each week and have already improved our lap counts this term.

Our Last Day of the Spring Term

We had a great last day of term, linking it all to Easter! We enjoyed writing diary entries as Disciples, an Easter Maths Investigation and some Easter Art both on paper and the iPads. We hope you all have a happy, safe break and we can’t wait to welcome you back to start the summer term.

World Book Day

We waited until everyone came back to school to celebrate World Book Day. We had a day based on the book ‘The Colour Monster’ and wrote diary extracts, did scavenger hunts, listened to stories (in class and on Teams) and collected some data about the class’s favourite colour. We also dressed as our favourite book character. It was a great day!

Super Spellings

We practise our spellings in various ways. Today, we worked on spelling out loud whilst catching a tennis ball and creating our spellings in a variety of handwriting.

Crafty Canopic Jars

We had a great time creating Canopic Jars. They were used to store the body parts during mummification. We made ours using a coffee cup 🙂

Our Terrific Team 

At the moment, we have three Teams meetings a week where we just have a catch up. Today was saw Theo’s guinea pigs, Beatrice’s garden and Kaden’s Lego model…. I can’t wait to see all your lovely faces again next week!

Professional Puppets!

This week, we’ve started our new Talk for Writing unit, as a task the children had to retell the story using puppets. They could use paper puppets or an app on the iPads to create the story. Here are some examples.

Video Click here to see John’s video of his story.

Step in to Spring!

What a start to 2021! We hope you’ve had a restful break and are enjoying home learning and accessing all the lovely resources and activities that we are creating for you to do. We are mirroring the work you are doing at home, in school. We worked hard on our elicitation activity about Ancient Egypt, then we painted some pyramids for our class display. Hopefully you all will see it soon, in person or on Teams! 

End of Term

Well done Owl Class for working so hard until the end of term. We have done so many activities and so much learning that we all deserved a good, fun Christmas Break. Thank you for all our lovely gifts, cards and well wishes… we can’t wait to see you all in 2021!

Science / DT – Making Toilet Roll Torches

We worked in our Year 3/4 bubble for a Science / DT afternoon to design and create a Toilet Roll Torch. We worked in pairs to list ideas, resources, draw diagrams before creating them using our knowledge of circuits. 

Science – Circuit Making

Our science topic this half term is Electricity, so we started off with an investigation to see if we could create a circuit to make the bulb light up. We tried a lot of batteries and wires, but we got there in the end!

Remembrance Day

To remember the brave soldiers, we created a class wreath and displayed it at the War Memorial. We also listened to The Last Post and paid our respects with a 2 minute silence.

Reading Raffle

We have a termly reading raffle for excellent reading records. The Reading Records are checked weekly and children are rewarded a raffle ticket for 5 entries with meaningful comments. These were this term’s lucky winners.

Computing Cartoons

During computing, we have been working on Programming. We are using the program Scratch to code our own cartoons. So far, we have created code scripts to allow the sprites to talk to each other.

Another Pen Pro

Using perseverance, Oscar got his pen license this week… well done!

Qu’est-ce qu’il y a dans l’armoire?

We’ve been looking at clothes in French this week, we can now ask What’s in the wardrobe? and give an array of answers. We can also label our school uniform in French.

More Handwriting Heroes

Here is the latest batch of Owl Class who have gain their pen licenses. Keep up the good work!

Science – Telephone Transmission

As part of our Light, Sound and Circuits topic, we had a great Science lesson where we created our own telephone devices using plastic cups and strings. We tested them out in the school field to see how far the sound could travel.

Harvest and National Poetry Day 

We combined Harvest Season and National Poetry Day by performing some Harvest Poems. We talked about the importance of Harvest and why we celebrate it.

Amazing Art

As part of our Light, Sound and Circuits Topic, we have been looking at different Inventors and Scientists. We transferred our knowledge of them in to our sketch books and used our sketching and observation skills to create these masterpieces!

Pen Licenses

We are working really hard on our presentation and handwriting. If we can consistently join with limited mistakes, we are awarded our Pen Licenses. Here are the children who have achieved them this week.

Mark Making Week

We really enjoyed getting back in to school routines with an exciting Mark Making Week. We used a theme of ‘Ruler Art’ to create different pieces of art, including bookmarks and images on the iPad.

We also produced some fantastic writing, including some poems and an informative ‘All About Me’ booklet, accompanied by some Silhouette Portraits.

Owl Class 2019 – 2020

Owl Class 2018 – 2019

Owl Class 2017 – 2018