
Fox Class

Teacher: Mrs Lewis

Welcome to Fox Class! We are a happy and enthusiastic team who love showing what we have learned. Please pop back regularly to see photos and images showing all of the exciting learning we have been doing.

Spring 2

Our topic is, ‘Who were the invaders?’. In this module we will be focussing learning all about Viking and Saxon settlements, and will even be making our own 3D model settlements based on what we have learned.  This will link to all our foundation subjects. If you would like to look in more detail at our curriculum plan please click the pathway link below:

Fox Class Pathway Spring 2020

Home learning:

Reading daily:  Children will show their reading record book each day and receive a tick on the list if they read at home. They will win a raffle ticket if they achieve 5 ticks over the week. 🙂

English and Maths : Maths and English homework will alternate, so one week will be maths and the next week will be English. The children will be given their homework on Thursday and will have until the next Thursday to hand it in.

Spellings: The children will be given new spellings on Fridays. Their spelling test will be on the following Thursday.

If you have any questions about home learning, please do pop in for a chat about it. I am always happy to help. 🙂






RE – What a wonderful World

In R.E this week have learning about Christian beliefs, learning about the story of creation “In the beginning”. As a class we went outside to explore and appreciate all the wonderful things that nature provides around us. Back in class, the children wrote and draw the things that are wonderful and important to them which meant families, friends, pets and things they are grateful for.

Meet the crew

Fox Class 2018 – 2019

Fox Class 2017 – 2018