

Please follow the link below to read a letter outlining our online learning offer from January 2021:

Online Learning Letter Jan2021

The information below is about our current online learning offer during the National Lockdown Spring 2021.

EYFS and Y1

EYFS and Year 1 have a weekly plan with maths, English, phonics, reading,  handwriting and topic activities on- this is linked to what we are learning in school.

Daily videos of the teachers teaching phonics, handwriting and reading a story are uploaded. In addition,  power points and resources are uploaded to our online platform of TEAMS to support the online learning.

Each week in EYFS/Y1 the children, who are learning at home, are called by a teacher or teaching assistant to read their books (The RWI books linked to each child’s stage are scanned in weekly).

Teachers give daily encouragement and feedback via TEAMS and complete a ‘deep-mark’ of learning once a week and provide feedback.

There are two live class ‘catch-ups’ each week.

Example of weekly online learning for EYFS

Example of weekly online learning for Y1 English and Topic

Example of weekly online learning for Y1 Maths

Years 2-6

In years 2-6 a daily plan is uploaded to our online platform of Microsoft TEAMS and recorded videos from teachers and power points are uploaded daily to support the learning at home. This includes core subjects and the broader curriculum.

There are daily ‘catch-ups ‘and live class sessions where the teacher reads the class book with the children in school and at home.

Weekly quizzes are created in years 2-6 to support the teachers in tracking progress and adapting and supporting our online offer where appropriate. The quizzes also help us to plan in content that can address any gaps in learning.

Teachers give daily encouragement and feedback via TEAMS and complete a ‘deep-mark’ of learning once a week and provide feedback.

Each week in years 2-6 the children, who are learning at home, are called by a teacher or teaching assistant to read their books (Y2 continue with their RWI phonics books for this).

Example of Daily lesson planning for years 2-6

Blended learning prior to the National Lockdown:

The information below is about our Blended Learning offer for a family, teacher or whole bubble isolations.

Bishops Lydeard Church School 

Blended (including remote) Learning Offer 

Our curriculum is designed to achieve strong outcomes, positive mental and physical health, resilience and identity: reflecting our vision of ‘life in all its fullness’. 

Blended Learning offer (Remote Learning) at Bishops Lydeard Church School:

  • During this unusual time it is even more important that we maintain a strong connection with our pupils and parents/carers who may find themselves learning/supporting their child’s learning remotely for a period of time, so we have put in place a Blended Learning Curriculum in order that your child’s learning can continue whilst they are at home.


  • Blended Learning is a combination of offline and online learning where pupils interact with their teacher, the lesson materials, and other pupils through both a physical classroom, online platform or paper resource packs. This is understood as a type of fusion between traditional education and modern methodology that uses technology. Blended Learning uses technology not only to supplement, but to transform and improve the learning process.


  • As a school our online learning platform is Tapestry for our Nursery and TEAMS (Microsoft) for pupils in Year 1Rto Year 6, which all pupils and parents/carers have access to as long as they have some form of internet access whether that be a phone, tablet, ipad, laptop etc.


  • Any family who does not have access to online learning should let us know in order that we can provide remote learning in other ways if their child is unable to attend school due to a bubble closure. We are able to provide paper packs. There are different circumstances for blended learning.


Child or family isolation due to onset of symptoms and awaiting Covid-19 test results:

In the event that a child and their family need to self-isolate the school will offer a blended learning pack.

The blended learning packs are to support your child’s learning and to help them to continue to make progress, where they are well enough to do so, at home.

This pack will include resources for home learning, that are matched to the learning in class where reasonably possible, being sent to families on the first day of a Covid-19 related absence.

The pack will include:


Writing for accuracy

Writing for spelling and spellings from Spelling Shed.


Topic based lessons.

The pack will run for two weeks (10 school days) and the first day of absence is day 1 in the pack.

If you require a printed pack, please contact the office and one can be delivered to you.

For the children in our Bishops Lydeard Nursery there will be learning activities on Tapestry.

Positive Covid-19 case in the school bubble and bubble closure:

If the teacher is well, lessons will be taught and uploaded to TEAMS

  • Maths lessons: will be uploaded to TEAMS, following on/mirroring the maths being covered in the classroom at that time and will include the following: Arithmetic practise, Number bonds/Times tables practise and the learning objective focus for the main learning. This will be delivered using a combination of the following: White Rose Maths videos (the scheme used in school); where possible, live streamed lessons from the child’s own teacher or pre-recorded maths lessons linked to the learning that was happening in class.




  • Your child will have a logon and password to access the above sites.



  • If a child does not have access to online learning, a paper pack of all learning tasks for all curriculum areas will be delivered, completed at home and then brought back on the child’s return to school for marking and feedback. Class Teachers will be in regular phone contact with the parent/carer and pupil to support their learning where needed.


  • English lessons: will be uploaded to TEAMS, following the sequence of learning happening in the classroom and will include the following: Daily Reading, Reading Comprehension at least once a week, weekly spelling focus and tasks, weekly punctuation and/or grammar tasks and the learning objective focus for the main learning. Where the teacher is well, online lessons through TEAMS will be provided. Lessons may also take the form of pre-recorded lessons on TEAMS.



  • If a child does not have access to online learning a paper pack of all learning tasks for all curriculum areas will be delivered, completed at home and then brought back on the child’s return to school for marking and feedback. Class Teachers will be in regular phone contact with the parent/carer and pupil to support their learning where needed.


  • Wider Curriculum – where the teacher is well, online lessons through TEAMS will be provided, pre-recorded lessons or paper pack lessons.


  • If the lessons being taught are not able to be delivered remotely (e.g. if it requires additional resources such as art resources e.g. clay or pastels, or geography resources e.g maps and atlases) then alternative ‘topic’ learning will be set on TEAMS.


  • The BBC has launched an education package across TV and online, featuring celebrities and teachers, helping to keep children learning at home and supporting parents across the whole curriculum. BBC Bitesize can be accessed here:


  • Monitoring: The level of engagement with remote learning and work submitted will be monitored regularly and parents/carers contacted to discuss how we can best support them and their child in fully engaging with remote learning and submitting an appropriate amount/quality of work depending in the age/stage of the child. Well-being calls will also form part of our support and ongoing monitoring.


  • If a child does not have access to online learning, a paper pack of all learning tasks for all curriculum areas will be delivered, completed at home and then brought back on the child’s return to school for marking and feedback

The class teacher is isolating and the class bubble is still in school:

In the event that the class teacher is well but isolating at home, they will deliver lessons via TEAMS to the children in the classroom who will have additional adult support to support positive learning behaviours. The TEAMS lessons will follow the curriculum that is being taught


1:1 support if your child receives 1:1 support and they are isolating, a more bespoke programme of support will be set up. They will usually be expected to still complete the learning set on TEAMS relevant to their needs.


Other Useful Websites offering remote learning support:

Oak National Academy (DFE Offer) has launched its online classroom and resource hub. The Academy offers 180 video lessons each week for schools to use, across a broad range of subjects. The lessons cover children in Reception through to Year 10 and are free to use by both teachers and young people.

The Oak National Academy can be accessed here:


The BBC has launched an education package across TV and online, featuring celebrities and teachers, helping to keep children learning at home and supporting parents.

BBC Bitesize can be accessed here: