
Rabbit Class

Miss Collins

We are really enjoying learning about our topic of: What is your superpower? We hope you enjoy seeing what we will be learning about below:

Knowledge organisers:

Autumn term: Knowledge organiser Class 2 ‘How have Children’s lives changed’

Spring term: Knowledge organiser Class 2 What is your superpower

Summer term: What makes Africa amazing knowledge organiser

Learning loops:

Autumn term:

How have children’s lives changed learning loop (1)Moving toys loop

Peg doll loop

Spring term:

What is your super power and people who help us loop Spring 2022

Summer term:

What makes Africa amazing learning loop


Autumn term:

Year 2- How have children’s lives changed pathway

Spring term:

What is your superpower pathway (1)

Summer term:

What makes Africa amazing pathway

Rabbit Class have been incredibly busy doing lots of fantastic learning! They have been active learners and it has been lovely to see their enthusiasm for learning!

We had an absolutely amazing trip to Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm, the children behaved brilliantly and thoroughly enjoyed learning about all the different African animals we encountered. They were super brave when handling a snake and giant cockroach!

In Maths, we have done some fantastic practical learning using numicon to represent numbers to 100. The children used sentence stems beautifully to explain what they have found- their reasoning was fantastic!

We have also made some lovely art for the local flower show! We were inspired by the theme ‘How does your garden grow?’ and used layering and collage to create some lovely sunshine pictures.

What a busy time we are having in Rabbit Class! During the last few weeks we have been super busy and enthusiastic about our learning in all areas of the curriculum.

In Maths we have been focusing on shapes. We have been using our skills as mathematicians to help us become more confident in sharing and talking about our maths. We have had lots of interesting conversations about our learning on shapes and their properties and we have enjoyed making shapes using lollipop sticks and making a variety of patterns.

The Year 2 children in Rabbit Class have also successfully completed their Secret Agent Training. All of the children should feel incredibly proud of their attitudes, achievements and growth mindsets when completing a variety of Secret Agent challenges in our secret agent base. We celebrated these achievements with a graduation ceremony.

We have also enjoyed celebrating the Queen’s platinum jubilee. We wore red, white and blue, created a variety of flags and crowns to wear, drew portraits of the Queen and even wrote her some letters too! Along with this as a whole school we had a parade, sang the National Anthem and had a picnic with our families- it was a really lovely day!

The summer term has started here in Rabbit Class and we have thoroughly enjoyed taking our learning outside and making the most of the sun!

In English we have been learning the text ‘Lila and the secret of the rain’ we were inspired by this to write our own poems thanking the sun for everything it does- we were even luckily enough to complete our writing outside in the sunshine! In Maths we have all shown a fantastic growth mindset when learning about the time- we have become superstars at this and learnt a rhyme to count around the clock. In our Geography learning we have been introduced to our new topic ‘What makes Africa amazing?’. We enjoyed listening to African music, trying African dance and exploring the culture of Africa using both online resources and atlases. Along with this, we had a really informative visit from a fireman who taught us all about fire safety and what to do if a fire happens.

We really have been busy! We hope you enjoy some photos of our learning below.


What a busy end to the spring term we have had in Rabbit Class! We have enjoyed all of our learning across the curriculum and a big highlight has been our first ever school trip!

We linked our History learning on Mary Anning along with our Art learning on sculptures to visit Dunster Beach. During our trip we built lots of amazing sculptures, hunted for interesting nature and completed observational drawings. All of the children were incredible during the day and should be proud of their enthusiasm and positive attitudes!

The children of Rabbit Class have been showing lots of fantastic learning in all areas of the curriculum. Their enthusiasm for learning new things has been fantastic to see! In maths we have been investigating multiplication and division in lots of different ways. We have also enjoyed learning about why seagulls are a nuisance in English. In our foundation subjects we have enjoyed being historians, theologians, technology users, good citizens, artists and musicians. In History we enjoyed a visit from a nurse who told us about her work and helped us make comparisons between hospitals now and in the past- we even got to try on hats and bandages! In computing we have enjoyed creating our own storybook characters and have learnt how to animate these. In art we have been exploring the art work of ‘The Last Supper’ and focused in on Jesus and the colours used to represent him.

We also enjoyed celebrating Red Nose Day and wearing blue and yellow to support those people currently being effected by conflict.

We hope you enjoy seeing some photos of our learning below!

We have been very busy completing lots of fantastic learning in Rabbit Class! The children have really enjoyed seeing the spring sunshine and going outside to do our learning!

In Art we have been inspired by the artwork ‘Starry Night’ by Vincent Van Gogh. We used our learning on The Great Fire of London to inspire our own versions of ‘Starry Night’ using the colours in the sky that the fire would have created.

In Computing we have been looking at creating our own story book characters on the iPads using purple mash- the children were really inventive with the characters they created! In RE we have begun looking at the Easter Story and it’s importance to Christians. We took advantage of the lovely weather and went outside to re-enact the events.

We also had a fantastic day celebrating World Book Day. This year we celebrated with a ‘Read around the world’ theme and our class focused on China with a focus on the book ‘The Magic Paintbrush’. We enjoyed learning about the story in English along with learning about China and their traditional dragon dances. The children also created lots of amazing reading rivers which they presented to the class and explained books they have enjoyed reading.

We have had an incredibly busy end to the half term in Rabbit Class- we have really enjoyed lots of different activities across the curriculum.

In maths we have enjoyed completing lots of maths investigations using our previous knowledge to support us in solving problems- the children have really got stuck in and used their growth mindsets throughout! We have also been looking at money and the children have enjoyed completing their training to be workers in our classroom shop- it was a rigorous training process! In English the children have written some fantastic reports on their invented animals and we have been working hard on making sure our sentences make sense too.

We have also really enjoyed our learning in our foundation subjects. In Science we have been exploring the forces of push and pull. We sorted objects into objects we can push and pull and also investigated which surface the forces of push and pull are most effective on. In art we have enjoyed looking at the artwork ‘Starry Night’ by Vincent Van Gogh. We have been artists by exploring the techniques he used and re-creating his art work using paint. We have also enjoyed a visit from our local PCSO who spoke to us about their job- we even got to see a police car! We also enjoyed working on our collaboration and teamwork skills when completing a colour hunt.


What a busy few weeks we have had in Rabbit Class! The children should feel really proud of their learning across the curriculum- they have been working really hard and showing lots of brilliant learning skills!

In Jigsaw we have been looking at our dreams and goals. We have thought carefully about the steps to success we will need to take to reach our goal and then realised the importance of working collaboratively when trying to reach a goal when creating our own obstacle courses on the playground.


In our science learning we have been exploring forces. First we looked at the various ways objects can move and found objects that we can move by- sliding, bouncing, spinning and rolling. We have also looked at the forces of push and pull and sorted objects into whether we move them by pushing, pulling or both.

In our computing learning we have enjoyed exploring purple mash on the iPads. We have practised using our logins along with exploring the various features including: creating artwork, using the topic tab to explore our learning on The Great Fire of London and exploring the purple mash tools.

In our history learning we have been historians by learning about significant people and events. We have really enjoyed learning about The Great Fire of London and Samuel Pepys. We are full of knowledge about the events that happened and have even created our own versions of Samuel Pepys’s diary and Great Fire of London pictures.

In our maths learning we have been looking at money and multiplication and division along with recapping our learning on place value. The children have really enjoyed creating their own shop. using practical resources and making nature numbers outside!

Welcome back to all of Rabbit Class! We have had a very busy start to the term and have enjoyed lots of learning- it has been fantastic seeing the children settle back into routines quickly- well done all!

We are also looking forward to starting our new topic- What is your super power? You will find the pathway, learning loop and knowledge organiser for this above.

Here are some pictures of our super learning- we hope you enjoy them!

What a lovely end to the term we have had! Our Christmas celebrations have been in full swing and we have done lots of fantastic learning too!

In maths we have enjoyed finding out about fact families and have shown brilliant growth mindset skills when completing a 100 square puzzle- our amazing team work was fantastic to see!

We have also been busy getting into the Christmas spirit! We have put on an amazing Nativity alongside Ladybird Class and the children were absolute superstars and should feel incredibly proud of their performances! We have also completed lots of Christmas activities in class and celebrated Christmas jumper day- see some pictures of our Christmas activities below.

Rabbit Class have again been busy enjoying lots of learning across the curriculum!

In English we have been busy innovating and inventing our own finding tales based on the text ‘The Magic Paintbrush’. It has been fantastic to see the children taking on feedback and making their work their best yet! The children have also enjoyed creating story maps of our stories to help us rehearse them orally.

In maths the children have been completing lots of fantastic learning looking at addition and subtraction. The children have been fantastic at explaining their thinking and showing their working.

In History, we have enjoyed a Victorian Day. The children really enjoyed completing a variety of activities including, Victorian writing and maths, completing our peg doll DT project and playing lots of Victorian games.

What a busy week we have had in Rabbit Class! This week we have really enjoyed celebrating Anti-Bullying week and Children in Need. We have shown fantastic reflection skills when discussing the meaning behind each event and we have enjoyed lots of activities to celebrate them. On Monday we celebrated odd sock day and on Friday we wore non- school uniform for Children in Need.

We have also been busy in our English and Maths this week. In English we have been innovating our class text into a new finding tale and in Maths we have been exploring number bonds and fact families to 10 and 20. It really has been a busy week!

We have had a very busy and productive start to the new term in Rabbit Class- the children have really enjoyed getting stuck into their learning across the curriculum!

In English we have been exploring our new class text of ‘The magic paintbrush’. The children have enjoyed retelling the story in a variety of ways along with hot seating each other as different characters from the text. In Maths we have been busy comparing and ordering numbers along with making links between our number bonds to 10. 20 and 100- I have been really impressed with the children’s use of sentence stems when explaining their thinking!

We have also celebrated Remembrance Day. We took part in the two minutes silence and reflected on the reasons behind why Remembrance Day is celebrated. We also visited the war memorial and performed a song, which has been uploaded onto our class TEAMs page, along with creating some lovely art work to show our respects. The children should feel really proud of their attitudes when celebrating this event.

We hope you enjoy seeing some photos of our learning below.

We had a very busy end of the first term in Rabbit Class. I am incredibly proud of the children’s enthusiasm for learning so far this year- it has been lovely to see them getting stuck into their learning across the curriculum. I hope you enjoy seeing what we have been up to below.

In our English learning we have been trying to trap some rather pesky creatures! First we received a note from Mr Wolfcatcher asking for our help to capture an escaped story book wolf- we became news reporters to report the escapee to others in the school. We then learnt the different features of instructions before learning about a rather cheeky classroom gnome that had visited our classroom! Luckily we were able to use all we had learnt to write instructions on how to capture it.

In our reading we have enjoyed looking at fiction and non-fiction texts. We have been fantastic at identifying features of each text and we have then used this to help us decide whether a text is fiction or non-fiction. We also enjoyed exploring a variety of texts and spotting some of the features we had learnt about.

In Maths we have been investigating our use of place value in a variety of ways. We have used part, part wholes to find fact families of a number, developed our understanding of greater than, less than and equal to along with developing our understanding of counting in 2’s, 5’s, 10’s and 3’s.

We have also been busy in our foundation subjects. In History, we have enjoyed using the iPads to research the toys our grown ups had when they were younger- we made lots of fantastic comparisons. In music we have enjoyed listening peacefully to a piece of music and drawing what it made us think of. We have also enjoyed celebrating the harvest- and we have created some fantastic harvest art.

It has been another busy couple of weeks in Rabbit Class full of lots of fantastic learning across the curriculum.

In our foundation subjects we have enjoyed taking part in a variety of activities. In computing we have been researching toys and giving our opinions on a variety of websites. In DT we have used our research both in history and computing to inspire us to create our own Thaumatrope toys- these are a type of moving toy first created in the Victorian times! We have also composed our own rhythms in music and explored our growth mindset- we hope you enjoy seeing some pictures of our learning below!

In Maths, we have been enjoying lots of practical learning to help us develop our understanding of place value. We have enjoyed representing numbers in different ways, finding 1 more and 1 less and identifying numbers to 100. In English we have written our own warning tales and in Guided Reading we have enjoyed orally rehearsing our text of the week.

We have had an incredibly busy start to the year in Rabbit Class. The children have been amazing and it has been lovely to see them being enthusiastic and engaged in a new year of learning.

In our History learning we have been fully immersed in our topic of ‘How have children’s lives changed?’. We began our learning by creating our own toy gallery and discussing our favourite toys. We have also looked at toys in the past by sorting them and exploring toys from a local museum. The children have been really insightful in their thinking and it has been lovely to see them making some fantastic comparisons!

In our maths learning we have been thinking about place value- We have enjoyed representing numbers in different ways, sorting objects and counting forwards and backwards. We have also enjoyed learning the story of Little Red Riding Hood in English- the children wrote some fantastic questions to ask the different characters!


It certainly has been a busy start to the year in Rabbit Class- we hope you have enjoyed seeing some of our fantastic learning!



Rabbit Class 2020 – 2021

Rabbit Class 2019 – 2020

Rabbit Class 2018 -2019

Rabbit Class 2017 – 2018