Owl Class
Mrs Lewis
Teaching Assistant
 Mrs Watts
 Extra Helper :  Bob The Egg 🙂Â
 Take a look at our Topic Loop here
  Take a look at our Art Loop here
We are just about to finish our ‘Measures’ work in maths and had a lovely assessment lesson… in which we played money games! The children used lots of the skills they have learnt from the last few weeks and had a little bit of fun too!Â
We were learning about the digestive system in our science lesson this week and had lots of fun taking Mr Skellybones’s insides out! We struggled to get it all back in the right place so we won’t be doing operations any time soon. We followed food as it journeyed through the body and talked about the processes involved in each step.
Our Guided Reading text this week was an instruction text all about making rocket balloons. We decided to test out the instructions to see if they were precise. We found that some of the instructions weren’t clear enough and we all thought that including a balloon pump would improve the whole activity!
We have had such a fantastic week!Â
In Talk For Writing we started a new text in which the children who were taken by the Pied Piper, wrote a letter asking to go home. Owl class all received a letter from the ‘children’, delivered by Mrs Harvey, and then they ‘Hot Seated’ as the Pied Piper. Jake’s Piper was particularly harsh and wouldn’t let the children go home until he was rightfully paid!
Our science topic is Humans and other Animals, and this week we were learning about human skeletons. Why do we have a skeleton, and what would we be like without one? Ask Owl class! They know! We learned the names of different bones in the body and then made moving skeletons using card and split-pins.
Owl Class were visited at school by Louise from the ‘Kingfisher Award Scheme’ who told us all about the field trip we were going to take and the projects we would be doing. We then had an amazing field trip to Bowden’s Farm where we took part in lots of exciting and informative activities. We discovered just how awesome worms truly are and how much we need them to keep a healthy eco-system. We found out about slowworms and grass snakes, and did an animal guessing game by searching for clues in the woods. We also learnt about crops by planting wheat seeds, harvesting wheat and even grinding it to make flour! We used the four, with milk and eggs, to make delicious pancakes. We had an amazing day and would all like to say a big thank you to the parent-helpers, Mrs Gigg, Mrs Watts and, of course, Louise for inviting us.
This is proving to be quite an exciting term for Owl Class! We have some lovely off-site learning opportunities coming up, plus exciting learning in class – AND swimming! What is really lovely, though, is seeing such enthusiastic, smiling faces – all working to get the most out of every opportunity.
In music this term, we are creating group compositions using repeating patterns of three notes, plus percussion and lyrics. We decided on groups and worked on creating the pattern of notes that we will be repeating for our tune. We have some super-creative children in Owl Class.
In our ICT work, we are using Purple Mash to make algorithms (very clear instructions) that will create programmes, and in art this term, we are looking at the strange world of the Dada movement. We will upload examples of our amazing art in the coming weeks.
We began our new topic of  ‘Why Is Our World Amazing?’ ( see topic loop above ) with a fun starter in which we first made some awesome, recycled plastic bottle ‘self-watering’ planters. Reusing discarded plastic is a great way to reduce waste and helps the environment. We planted sunflower seeds and will keep an eye on them to see which one grows the highest! We also had site-plans of the school grounds. We used these to tour the whole site, detailing what the land use was for each area. We also created our own keys to make our site-plans easy to understand. Then we imagined we were developers and could do whatever we wanted with the site. Again, we created keys to aid understanding. The children had lots of amazing ideas for the site, including wild-life sanctuaries, recycling centres, wild-flower fields and tree mazes.Â

Welcome back Owl families! Everyone came in smiling and is excited for our summer term. We have lots of fun things planned and will keep you updated as we go. 🙂
Off to a fun start on our first week back with World Book Day! We learnt and performed a signed version of ‘Hey Diddle Diddle’ for the Nursery Class ( see the video on TEAMS ) and they showed us an adorable performance of ‘The Pancake Man’. They worked so hard and we loved every minute of it. Well done guys!Â
Back in class, we listened to a story from a book called ‘Hans Brinker – The Silver Skates’. In the story, Hans tells of the time when, as a child in Haarlem, (The Netherlands) he stuck his finger in a hole in the wooden wall ( Dyke) to stop a leak from flooding his village. It is a really fabulous story. We all wrote reviews of the story and then Mrs Lewis read us a Dutch children’s book called ‘Klein wit visje’. We were surprised that we could understand lots of the words as they were very similar to the English words. We then looked at, and tried to read, lots of Dutch children’s books. It was really fun! After that, the children shared their fantastic Reading Rivers to the rest of the class. To finish, we sat on bean bags and cushions around the room to quietly read our favourite stories. What an amazing day. 🙂
What a busy and productive half term that was! We had Safer Internet Day, in which we talked about staying safe and respectful online along with strategies to report and block unkind users. We made ‘fortune tellers’ and talked about all of the things we use the internet for – and there’s a lot!
 We have been learning to sing in 2 and 3 part rounds in our Music sessions. It’s really difficult to concentrate on on your own part but also listen to the other singers. We practised in groups and performed for the class.
We have begun planning and building our model Anglo-Saxon houses but unfortunately, the crazy windy weather has closed the school. We will continue to plan, evaluate, build and evaluate as soon as we return after half term.
You have all worked so hard this half term. I hope you have a restful week off and will be full of your usual smiles when we return to school. 🙂
We reached the end of our Talk For Writing cycle this week and invented stories of our own. We used lots of amazing features such as fronted adverbial phrases, expanded noun phrases and similes. The children peer marked each other’s stories using a success criteria and wrote short reviews of each other’s work. What super stars!
In our topic work this week, we were being historians by finding out what a chronology and a timeline were. We looked at the timeline of our school day first. We then looked at a much, much longer timeline – the chronology of Mrs Lewis! After that, we looked at the timeline of the invading Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. We then looked at the clothes and materials that the invaders wore, and tried our own weaving using weaving boards and lolly sticks.Â
What a fun, and busy, first week back! It is so fantastic to see such happy faces returning to school. We jumped straight in with English and looked at a very strange poem- strange because it was full of homophones which made it really difficult to read. Here’s the poem– you might need to ask your little Owl to help you read it!Â
Our Science this half term is all about Forces and Magnets. We used our first lesson to explore how objects move across different surfaces, and how magnets react to each other and other objects. We had loads of fun and came up with lots of things we hope to learn about over the half term. Here’s a few photos of our explorations. 🙂
We are all very excited for Christmas and very ready for a break! In the last week we have learned and sang Christmas songs for the Christmas Sing Along (log in to Teams to see the videos), and have written our own Christmas poems. We also came to the end of our topic about ‘ Why Our World Is Amazing ‘. We used our geographer skills to research the topography, population, climate and landmarks of India, and created poster presentations to share knowledge with the rest of the class. We also had a super-Christmassy craft day ( thank you Mrs Watts for all of your resources and help!) and made loads of amazing Christmas decorations and glitter-covered ornaments! Have a fantastic Christmas everyone, and an amazing new year. 🙂
Christmas has arrived in Owl Class with a beautiful advent calendar ( thank you Mrs Watts ), a chocolate advent calendar, a post box and a brightly lit Christmas tree. Christmas is our favourite time of year.
We have all been working super-hard on our handwriting in Owl Class as we know it is important that others are able to read what we have written – plus, if we’re really neat, we get a pen license from Mrs Harvey! We have now had six pen licenses awarded in our class, and I’m sure we will soon have many more. Well done guys!
We finished our multiplication and division block in maths by having a games lesson in which we played all sorts of multiplication and division games. We had loads of fun and used many of our new strategies for solving problems.
We had lovely, calming class worship in which we talked about Anti Bullying Week and how to look after ourselves and others. We talked about being kind to ourselves as well as being kind to others. We then extended this into a lovely Jigsaw session in which we created Anti-Bullying Super Heroes!Â
On Friday, we came into school in fancy dress or PJs to raise money for Children In Need. We had a super-comfy day, and raised lots of money to help others. In our Topic work this week, we looked at the journey a banana makes from India to Bishops Lydeard, and we used Google Maps and Atlases to help us. Another really great thing this week was that we now have music playing in the playground at break times, so we get to dance and exercise. Fantastic fun!
We watched a video about WW1 and why we use poppies to raise money and awareness. We decorated rocks and stones with poppies to place on the War Memorial, and we wrote about what ‘Remembrance’ means. We held a two minute silence outside with the rest of the school, then we placed our poppy-stones respectfully on the memorial.
It’s great to see everyone back in class, excited for a new term. We’ve started our new text in Talk for Writing, which is all about a magical fish. We also made our own cup-fish and tried to catch them with a home-made fishing rod! We have loads of fantastic hand-writers in Owl class. So, so many children are very close to getting their pen license from Mrs Harvey. Our first two handwriting heroes are Freddie and Jaida, who both earned their licenses on Friday. Great work guys! 🙂
What a busy half term it has been! We have all worked fantastically hard and I think we are all in need of a relaxing break. Alongside our exciting Talk For Writing work and learning all about column addition/subtraction in maths, we have also had lots of fun in our Foundation subjects. We have learned a lot about Islam in RE. In Jigsaw, we have learned about how to get along and we shared our thoughts on post-it notes. In French we learned common phrases and even how to count to 100 in tens! For Harvest, we learned a song in just 3 days and then recorded it to put on Teams for our families to see. We also painted some beautiful, golden harvest pictures based on Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘Harvest in Provence’. We added detail to our paintings using crayons, pens and pencils, which is called using ‘mixed media’. You can see our lovely paintings along with our song, on Teams. There’s also an introduction video in which four children explain what we have been doing. It is fabulous! Have a lovely rest; you all deserve it. 🙂
Another fantastic week of super learning and lots of hard work! We thought we’d share our Floor Books with you this week. We use them like a huge ‘memory-book’ of our learning so that we can look through and remember all the things we’ve been doing. Here’s some photos from this week…
Here are some more photos of our learning this week:
In Science, we are learning about rocks and fossils. Luca brought some amazing rocks to show us that he got from the Natural History Museum.Â
Mrs Lewis told us that we had a maths assessment to do, but surprised everyone by getting lots of maths games and activities out! We played lots of ‘Place Value’ games and puzzles, and even had some place value colouring sheets. Mrs Lewis was hugely impressed by all of the maths talk buzzing around the classroom and got lots of assessments done.Â
What a busy week it has been! We had a lovely, peaceful Class Worship in which we were learning our school prayer, and also had time to celebrate successes of our amazing children. In our IT session, we used iPads to look at Google Earth. It’s amazing how small Bishops Lydeard is when you zoom out and see the whole world! We had a super-fun science investigation this week, too. We investigated rocks to check their density and see if they were permeable or impermeable. We collected our results on a table then sorted the rocks into groups. 🙂
Welcome to our class page! We will be adding lots of pictures and photos of our learning, so make sure you check back often. We are all settling in nicely and are getting used to new routines and ways of working. We are a happy bunch and are all keen to learn and grow.
Here are some photos of our ‘Me On The World’ map books that we made for our topic starter…
Owl Class 2020 – 2021
Owl Class 2019 – 2020
Owl Class 2018 – 2019
Owl Class 2017 – 2018