
Welcome to Ladybird Class

Early Years Foundation Stage and Year 1

  Mrs Arafa and Mrs Brown


Summer learning:

Where in the world are we?  Pathways How do humans work pathway 4~

Where in the world are we? Learning loop How do humans work learning loop (1)

Where in the world are we? Knowledge organiser How do humans work knowledge organiser (2)


Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust’s 10th birthday celebrations


This week, as part of the Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust’s 10th birthday celebrations, we have
completed a maths investigation as a school. In the Ladybird class we worked together as a class and then in small groups to  investigate how many possible ways we could arrange two different coloured candles.




We all had  fantastic time at our Teddy bears picnic today!!

English and maths

In English today the children enjoyed using a variety of adjectives to describe their teddy bears as well as describing why their teddys are special to them. Then in maths the reception children explored shapes by creating lunch boxes for their teddy bears. Children then  identified what shape each of their food items represented.





In music this week we have been listening to the beats in different music. Children worked in pairs to create their own actions and beats to a piece of music. We had lots of fun watching what the children had created.  We also watched a waltz and discussed what we liked and disliked about it and expanded our thinking by explaining why we did or did not like.


PCSO visit

This week we had a visit from our local PCSO and we learnt about the role of the police and PCSO and road safety. We asked lots of sensible questions and did some amazing writing linked to our visit.


The year 1 children have been practising counting and partitioning two digit  numbers this week using tens and ones to support their learning and understanding. It was wonderful to see children working so well together and supporting each other.

Last week the Ladybird class enjoyed learning about how the human circulatory system works. We learnt that the heart is a very strong muscle that contracts and relaxes to pump blood around our bodies and how a heart beat varies from person to person – we all felt our heart beats with our hands.


What a great week we have had celebrating the upcoming King’s coronation. In English we have wrote letters to King Charles, created our  own picnic lists and wrote about the things we enjoy doing as children in 2023.

In history we have learnt about the Royal family and how King Charles became the new King and looked about who will be the next King and why? We did our own Royal family role play with some of the children to understand how it all works a little more.

In DT we got a little messy with biscuits and icing. We had fun trying to to create the Union Jack flag on the biscuits and then had more fun eating them.

In art we all decorated a golden crown fit for a King!

This week the reception children have enjoyed learning about weight and capacity. They had lots of fun exploring the weight of different objects in the classroom and making their own predications. It was lovely to see how well the children work together to problem solve and find the answers.


Welcome back everyone to the summer term.

This term our topic is called ‘How do Humans work?’

We will be learning about growth, the human body, minibeasts, animals, changes over time and we will be using Talk for Writing to learn and then innovate ‘How the tortoise got his shell’. Children have enjoyed learning about tortoises and creating a large tortoise and mountain for our working wall.


In maths Reception have been exploring the composition of 6,7 and 8. We have looked at lots of different ways of making these numbers and comparing numbers with a variety if objects.


Children have enjoyed using the role play doctors surgery this last week. We have seen lots of great future doctors and nurses in the making. It has been lovely listening to the children caring for each other and re-enacting their experiences of being at the doctors.


Spring learning:

Who is the greatest explorer?’ Pathways- Who is the greatest explorer pathway Ladybird Class

‘Who is the greatest explorer?’ Learning loop- Who is the greatest explorer learning loop

‘Who is the greatest explorer?- Knowledge organiser- Who is the greatest explorer knowledge organiser




Last week of the Spring term 

In English we created our own Easter eggs in and then described these in our writing. In maths we have enjoyed counting Easter eggs and using a number line to support our learning of one more and one less. In our free flow learning some children have enjoyed creating sentences by searching through our Easter shredded paper to find letters and words. Other  children have used their imaginative skills to create different models with our coloured lollypop sticks.

I would like to wish you all a very Happy Easter! And look forward to welcoming you all back for our Summer term.



Science week 


We had lots of fun last week exploring space in science week. All our afternoon lessons were Science focussed and we began the week by investigating which material would be best suited for a space suit based on it’s insulation properties. We then thoroughly enjoyed creating our very own space rockets from of variety materials.  Later in the week we enjoyed our art focus through creating our own planets and placing them on our star backgrounds. We also got to create a moon with air clay and found different tools to create the moon craters .




In science this term we have been looking at Living things and their habitats. The ladybird class have had fun learning about all the different types of habitats and the animals that live in them.

This week we extended our knowledge through looking at the animal food chain. In small groups children created their own food chains from a selection of pictures. It was lovely to see the children working together to problem solve and share ideas.





We have been learning about different household products and medicines. Looking at how these may be dangerous if they are touched by children. We have also looked at the different types of  medicines we may have and why we may have these. And talking about how and why children should  not touch medicines themselves and that trusted adults, doctors or nurses should be the people to give us medicines if we need them.



World book day 

We had lots of fun immersing ourselves in the book The Tiger Who Came To Tea. We did lots of activities during the day that focused on this wonderful story. In English we sequenced the story and did some beautiful writing that children created from pictures in the story. Children made their own cupcakes and then had lots of fun decorating these with icing and of course lots of sprinkles. Wehad a great day and we really enjoyed inviting  lots of parents into the classroom at the end of the day.




What a great term we have had in the Ladybird class. We have  all worked extremely hard this term and explored lots of interesting things.

In our continuous provision we have explored lots of different things including Chinese New year. We explored lots of fun activities linked to the festival that supported our fine motor skills, maths and English.



In science this term we have been learning about plants. We have looked at what different plants need to grow and survive. We then planted our very own beans and children decided where to put these in the classroom.

What a fun, and busy, few weeks back! It is so fantastic to see such happy faces returning to school.



To start this terms topic ‘The greatest explorer’ we had our explorer’s day. Firstly thank you to all the adults for supporting this day. We all thoroughly enjoyed listening to each other to find out about lots of different explorers. And for history we placed all these explorers on a giant timelines for children to visually see.  In English we discussed what we would need in a survival backpack and why. It was great to have lots of different ideas that we discussed further (however the most popular survival item was of course a teddy bear).

And in the afternoon we developed our  our social and communication skills through successfully working in small groups to complete a number of tasks, These included creating our own adventures, deciding on what type of shelter would work best on these adventures and completing a scavenger hunt around the school grounds.



In English the children have really enjoyed learning this terms class story ‘The Gingerbread man’. All the children worked really hard to create a boat that would help a gingerbread man cross the water. It was truly fantastic to see children supporting and working with their peers to create these. It was a lot of fun for not just the children but the adults as well.


Autumn learning:

Where in the world are we?  Pathways -Where in the world are we pathway-2-2

Where in the world are we? Learning loop Learning loop, where in the world are we

Where in the world are we? Knowledge organiser -Where in the world are we knowledge organiser-2

Creating Chocolate Banana penguins 

We got messy and had lots of fun working in pairs to create chocolate banana penguins. After collecting our ingredients we all followed a set of instructions step by step with our partners. Children all worked fantastically together to create their penguins and then of course the best bit was eating them.




Following instructions


In Ladybird class we have enjoyed following instructions to create salt dough Christmas tree decorations. Once we have made our dough we made our Christmas tree shapes and waited for them to dry out. We then had lots of fun decorating them with lots of colours and sparkles. It was lovely to see the children working so well together to create their beautiful Christmas decorations.



Letters to Santa 

In English we all wrote letters to Santa and then posted these in our red post list for Santa to collect.


Junk modelling 


Children have been exploring and creating with our junk modelling. This area of learning gives children the opportunity to explore a wide range of open-ended resources, that they can combine in ways that they want. They have the freedom to use them flexibly and adapt them. It is always lots of fun.



In maths our reception children have been practically looking at one more and one less. Our hands-on activities have been designed to engage children and support their understanding of the concept, that will  support them later on as they need to rely on the concept of one more and one less to do more complex math problems.




In Ladybird class we have been looking at non fiction reports on wolves. Children have really enjoyed learning  true facts about wolves and created their own booklets to show what they had learnt.

Children in need 

We have really enjoyed celebrating Children in Need and Anti-bullying week. The children came dressed in pyjamas and spots and we spent some time doing Children in Need based learning. We have spent time learning about how it is ok to be different and to build this children created their own odd socks. 


Remembrance Day 

In Ladybird Class we enjoyed learning about Remembrance day, and why we wear a poppy. As a school we all paid our respect and stood silent for 2 minutes. As a class we all made out very own red poppies. 

We have had a very busy and exciting term so far. In year one we have been exploring mass and capacity, and as a class we have been exploring length and height. We had lots of fun measuring lots of different things around the school.


What a very busy half term we have had! We welcomed our reception children to the school who have been fantastic and settled into school so well, so well done to you all. We have been very busy with our learning, in reception. we have been exploring our numbers to 5 in lots of different ways.

In English we have looked at how to follow and write  instructions, we all had fun following instructions on how to make a jam sandwich, which the children also enjoyed tasting.


We have explored different textures and materials in Art and created some beautiful peaces of art.

We had lots of fun in Science looking at different materials and exploring which  materials would keep our Paddington bear dry.

It has certainly been a great start to the year, the children have all worked extremely hard and all settled into the Ladybird class wonderfully. So please enjoy your half term break, and have a well deserved rest.


The ladybirds have a new carpet and we are all delighted with it!

Over the past few weeks our reception children have been learning how to subitise to 5 in our maths lessons.


The reception children have enjoyed  learning their phonic sounds this term.



Welcome back and welcome to our new Reception children in Ladybird Class. We are now a Reception/Y1 mix of caring, friendly and enthusiastic learners. Year 1 children have been fantastic role models and supported all our new children in settling into school. The reception children have been  exploring their environment and getting to know each other. They should all feel very proud of how well they have done.

We have started to learn our story ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ and had lots of fun recreating the different scenarios from the story. In Geography our topic this term is ‘Where in the world are we?’ which we have started with exploring our school grounds.

We have started to learn our single sounds in phonics and will be using these sounds to help us learn how to blend to read words.

We hope you enjoy looking at some of our photos that show you some of our learning, exploring and  fun.





Ladybird Class 2021 – 2022

Ladybird Class 2020 – 2021

Ladybird Class 2019 – 2020

Ladybird Class 2018 – 2019

Ladybird Class 2017 – 2018