Ladybird Term 1 Medium term planning pathway.2020
Ladybird Term 2 Medium Term planning for Autumn 2 2020
Ladybird Term 3 Medium Term planning for Spring 1 2021
Ladybird Term 4 Medium Term Planning for Spring 2 2021
Ladybird Class Terms 5 and 6 Medium Term Planning for Summer 2021
Welcome back everyone to the summer term.
This term our topic is called ‘Growing! Growing! Grown!’ and the pathway for the summer term is above.
We will be learning about growth, minibeasts, animals, changes over time and we will be using Talk for Writing to learn and then innovate two of our favourite stories of ‘Going on a Bear Hunt’ and ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’.
In DT we have been making our ‘moving parts’ models using sliders. We looked at examples and evaluated the moving parts we wanted to use before planning ours and then making it.
We had another visit from the Bishops Lydeard library and we did a nature hunt! It was great fun and we learnt lots of things about habitats.
We found some giant foot prints….we followed them…we found the Giant’s golden coins outside!
Today we had a visit from Rebecca from Bishops Lydeard Library. We learnt about ’empathy’ and created our own empathy glasses.
The reading corner is looking very exciting in Ladybird class!
Y1 have been planting beans for science and as a link to our Jack and the Beanstalk text. We will be monitoring how they grow and what the perfect conditions are to help them grow.
We have been on a visit to our beautiful local church. We learnt about the objects in the church used for worship and different areas of the church. We used an ‘I spy’ game to find objects in the church.
We also have had a visit from our local PCSO and we learnt about the role of the police and PCSO and road safety. We asked lots of sensible questions.
We have been focussing on online safety in computing and have been learning about what is safe to share on our profiles and what is not safe.
We had an exciting visit from Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm to support our learning on minibeasts. We learnt about the appearance of different minibeasts, their habitats, their diet and much, much more!
We have been creating pictures out of natural dyes (coffee, beetroot, red onion) and learning about life cycles using actions. We learnt about the life cycle of a dragonfly and a caterpillar.
The bear cave role play for ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ is looking great! The children have been using it to retell the story using the story map and have been acting out the story using the props.
We have been making Bears for our bear cave, butterflies for our minibeast boards and playing in the sand pit. We have also been enjoying our Octoplay set 🙂
In Ladybird class we celebrated World Book Day together. Reception Ladybird class have been using their new ‘under the sea’ role play area and thinking about how we stay safe at the beach. We have been learning about being healthy in our Jigsaw sessions and what is safe around the home and what is not. We have also been learning about capacity and practising our fine motor skills and cursive handwriting.
In Ladybird Class we have been practising our measuring with rulers, creating pattern fish, making under the sea plates, under the sea ipad pictures and much more. We have also been creating our new forest school area! 🙂
Ladybird class have been working hard to create some beautiful art work in school (and out of school for the children who are completing online learning). We have created some natural art based on the art of Andy Goldsworthy and created some artwork based on planets with balloons!
We have also been busy in maths, where we have been using concrete materials to help us with our learning. In English, we have been writing our own stories.
We have had busy start to the term in Ladybird Class. We have started learning our class story of The Magic Porridge pot, made porridge, learnt about healthy eating, sketched and painted pictures of fruit and practised our bonds to 10 and making numbers 11-20.
In Ladybird class we have been creating our Brown Bear handprints, celebrating Children in Need and paying our respects for Remembrance Day. Please do see our closed school Facebook page for even more photos of our learning.
Y1 have been busy in the first weeks back. They have been learning their new story of Monkey See, Monkey Do, drawing pictures of what makes them special, creating firework pictures in computing, naming and matching physical features in the world and addition and subtraction in maths.
In R Ladybirds the children have been exploring their environment, making fireworks paintings. drawing what makes them special and creating Brown Bear handprints. The vets has also been buys in class.
In Y1 Ladybirds the children have been learning about the structure of plants. We have also been learning about the United Kingdom and linked this with our maths learning of directional and positional language.
In Reception Ladybirds the children have been learning about the sense of sight, reflecting on what we are thankful for in our reflection area and drawing pictures on the IPAD of our families.
In Year 1 Ladybirds we have been developing our knowledge of place value and creating maps of our local area.
In Reception Ladybirds we have been using Funny Bones and non-fiction texts about our senses to create body outlines, role play drs, practise our fine motor skills and practise sorting by grouping using certain criteria.
Welcome to Ladybird Class. We are a Reception/Y1 mix of energetic, caring and enthusiastic learners.
The Reception children have been exploring their environment and getting to know each other. For our topic in Ladybirds of Me in My World/Where in the World are We? The R and Y1 children have been discussing their families and looking at where Bishops Lydeard is in the United Kingdom.
Y1 have been learning their class story of ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’, practising yoga in the morning, writing ‘all about me’ flowers and learning about where Bishops Lydeard is in the United Kingdom. The children also made some beautiful stained glass windows.