
Who will you find in Dragonfly Class?


Mrs Harris (class teacher)

Miss Gibbs (teaching assistant)

and 32 hardworking children.


Welcome to Dragonfly Class!

Happy New Year! Please find below a link to the document which shares with you the learning we have planned in Dragonfly Class this term. Our topic is “How did they do that?” and has a History and Art focus. As the term progresses our learning will be shared on the school newsletter so please look out for the summaries and photos of our learning.

Class 5 Dragonfly Spring Pathway 24-25


It has been lovely to share the last few days with the class – getting to know each other and our class learning expectations. Everyone has made a really positive start and I look forward to all we will achieve together over the year.

Below is the link to a document which shares with you the learning we have planned in Dragonfly Class this term. Our topic is “Where is our place in space?” and has a Geography, Art and DT focus. As the term progresses our learning will be shared on the school newsletter so please look out for the summaries and photos of our learning.

Class 5 Dragonfly Autumn Pathway 24-25

Dragonfly Class 2023 – 2024

Dragonfly Class 2022 – 2023

Dragonfly Class 2021 – 2022

Dragonfly Class 2020 – 2021