Welcome to Badger Class
Adults in Class
Class Teacher: Mr Theodossiou
Support Staff: Mrs Karunaratne, Miss Turnbull, Miss Prosser
Welcome back to class! If you’d like to see what we’re learning this term, please see our pathway and learning loops below.
Badger Class History Learning Loop Autumn Term
Knowledge Organiser Have we made it better?
Badger Autumn term 23-24 pathway
Badger Class DT Learning Loop Autumn
We have started learning a new text called ‘The Canal’. This is a warning tale about an old, deserted canal. The children have explored the text, including summarising each paragraph and diving into some key vocabulary. We finished off the week practicing using Fronted Adverbials.
This week has been all about problem solving using a systematic approach. This means we work out ways to find patterns by starting with the highest or lowest value/digit that is available and then working back up or down. The children worked on their number bonds to 10 in Natty Numbers to ensure a right start to the new year, by dusting off the cobwebs.
Spring Term
Please see below the Knowledge Organisers and Pathway for this term.
Topic: What did the Greeks do for us?
Badger Class Spring Term Pathway
This term, we are looking back to the ancient civilisation of Greece. Many great things have come from Ancient Greece, such as democracy, art and philosophy, and mathematical theories that still support us today. The children will be spending time understanding where Ancient Greece sits in the wider history of the world and the key events that encompassed such an interesting period of history. In Art, the learning is continued by looking at Greek pottery and how modern day ceramics may have taken inspiration from the artists back then.
If you would like to find out more about what the children are learning this term, please look at the Pathway (above) or check out the School Newsletter!
Summer Term
Please see below the Pathway for this term.
Badger Class Summer Term Pathway
This term, our topic covers Food! We will explore all kinds of avenues to expand our knowledge of food, such as what humans and animals eat, how humans digest food, where our food comes from in the world and how to prepare food for yourself!
If you would like to find out more about what the children are learning this term, please look at the Pathway (above) or check out the School Newsletter!
Badger Class 2022 – 2023
Badger Class 2021 – 2022
Badger Class 2020 – 2021