Emergency School Closure Information
If snow or icy conditions are likely to result in the closure of the school please await a text from school by 7.15am before starting your journey.
There are two main reasons for school to have to close unexpectedly.
The first is occasioned during a school day – e.g. a breakdown of the heating system in winter – in such an event no child will be sent home until the parent or another responsible person has been contacted, principally by text, and we are assured that the child will be looked after. By responsible person, we mean a relative of the child, or a neighbour or another parent (who is known to the child). Children who are normally brought to and from school will not be asked to return home on their own. As can be imagined this is not an easy exercise and is one that would not be undertaken unless deemed necessary.
The second and more common occurrence is a heavy fall of snow or very icy conditions or other adverse weather conditions when the school cannot open at the start of the day as insufficient staff can safely get to the school themselves. The arrangements in this event are that firstly all members of staff telephone the Head of School on his mobile between 6.15am – 6.45am. The Head of School will then make the decision as to whether it is safe to open or not. By 7.00am the Head of School will contact all staff (by text), school transport and other agencies to inform them of their decision; this takes time. This means that by 7.15am parents should receive a text if the School is closing. At this point notification of the decision will be posted on the front page of the website https://bishopslydeardbwmat.org/.
The information will also be updated on the Somerset Council website School closures
Please do not telephone County Hall for clarification, as even though they will know the position, it is possible that the information will not have reached the switchboard operators from the emergency contact.
As soon as any decision to re-open has been made a text will be sent and the website will be updated with the information.
In adverse weather conditions, please do not allow your child to set out on the journey to school without first checking the school will be open to receive them.
Should the decision be made to close or re-open the school we will do our upmost to keep you fully informed.
School telephone number: 01823 432582
School email address: enquiries@bishopslydeard.bwmat.org